Monday, May 23, 2011

Newest Season

It has been a while and I have been sooo busy.  I feel like me and the kids live on the road between Hattiesburg and Jayess, we have been spending a lot of time on the farm.  It has been great, don't get me wrong but it does tend to get routines out of whack. But it is worth it to see the family, help daddy with our agritourism business and see my kids LOVING the country life.  Cash asked me last week if we could build us a house on the farm and just come to town to visit daddy, lol! Poor daddy!!  For mothers day I am always pondering what to get the mothers.  This year my mama called with a request, I was thrilled, that was going to make my search so easy.  Then she told me her request.  She wanted her flower bed  tilled, fertilized and planted.  Well okay then, I knew how I would spend my mothers day weekend :).  I didn't mind at all though.  I love getting outside and getting my hands dirty being productive.  I ran the chainsaw, the weed eater and got her bed looking good.  My poor legs proved my hard work the next day, bruises from head to toe! Happy Mothers Day Bonnie Jean, it was my pleasure, you are after all the best mama and especially the best grandmother ever, hands down.

So Miss Arden has been busy as usual keeping me running in circles and constantly looking over my shoulder for her next stunt.  If her latest wasn't a sign of what she was ready for then nothing is a sign.  She was climbing out of her crib, taking off her pajamas and her diaper and putting panties on and laying in the floor.  She would sometimes go back to sleep or sometimes play in her closet or sometimes just model 6 different pairs of panties on, all at once.  I knew it was time to move her crib out and potty train her so last weekend I went and bought her a twin bed.  The beautiful Bratt Decor crib that has been part of our home since late 2006 is officially moved out of the house.  I will post some pictures when I finish making her bed skirt.  I have to actually start it first :).  Stay tuned.....

The kids humor:  Last week Arden came in the house and asked, "where is Noah"?  Noah is a little boy in her Sunday school class at church.  I may add here that he "attacked"her a few months ago, clawing her face and neck and leaving a scar on her cheek so I thought it was funny that she was asking about him.  Anyway before I could get a word in Cash loudly declares, "Arden, Noah built the Ark, he is in Heaven with Jesus".    Love my babies.